The PIKART catalogue will be online soon.

Privacy Policy

We take the protection of personal data very seriously. We undertake to protect the individual privacy of all persons who use our websites, and to treat any personal data provided in strictest confidence. The data will exclusively be used for the purposes indicated and not be disclosed to third parties.

Contact with respect to the atmospheric rivers web page

Dr. Norbert Marwan
Research Department Complexity Science
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Telegraphenberg A 56
14473 Potsdam

Phone: ++49 +331 288-2614
Email: email address

Name and address of the controller

The Controller within the meaning of the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("EU GDPR") and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other data protection regulations is:

Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) e.V.

Prof Dr Ottmar Edenhofer
Prof Dr Johan Rockström
Dr Bettina Hörstrup
Telegrafenberg A 31
P.O.B. 60 12 03
14473 Potsdam

Phone: ++49 +331/288-2500

Name and address of the data protection officer

Dr. Thomas Nocke
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Telegraphenberg A 56
14473 Potsdam

Phone: ++49 +331 288-2626

Use of cookies

The website uses session-cookies (PHP session ID) for access control of password protected content. Cookies are text files that are stored on the internet browser or through the internet browser on the computer system of the user. If a user visits a website, then a cookie may be stored on the operating system of the user. This cookie contains a distinctive sequence of characters which facilitates an unequivocal identification of the browser when the website is accessed again. Session-cookies differ from regular cookies by their "lifetime". While regular cookies are stored on the web browser, session cookies should be automatically deleted when the browser is closed.

A cookie is set to store your choice of the cookie consent banner.

Creation of log files

Description and scope of data processing

With every visit to the website, the webserver automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the visiting computer. In particular, the following data are collected:

The data shall also be stored in the log files of our system. This data is not stored together with other personal data of the user.

Legal basis and purpose of the processing

Legal basis for the temporary storage of the data and the log files is Art. 6 (1) (f) EU GDPR which is required for safeguarding the legitimate interests of the PIK. The temporary storage of the IP address through our system is necessary to allow the delivery of the website to the computer of the user. For this purpose, the IP address of the user must be stored for the duration of the session. The data are stored in log files to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, we use the data to optimize our website and to ensure the safety of our information technology systems. In this context, the data shall not be evaluated for marketing purposes.

Duration of data recording

The data shall be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they are collected. Where data are collected for the provision of the website, this is the case when a session ends.

In case data are stored in log files, this is the case no later than after six months. A data recording beyond that is possible in an anonymized form. In such case the users' IP addresses will be erased or encrypted, thus making an identification of the visiting client impossible.

Specific privacy statement for the use of the atmospheric rivers web page

At the moment we do not use or store further data as explained in the privacy policy above.

(last updated: 2024-01-30)